indoor plant of the week

This week we are talking about Agave x leopoldii, a hybrid species belongs to the Asparagaceae family. This tough as nails succulent is a cross between Agave filifera and Agave schidigera conducted by W.B. Kellock in the 1870’s. This variety has gained the Royal...


This week we are talking about Aglaonema commonly known as the Chinese Evergreen. These plants belong to the Araceae plant family just like philodendron, monstera, and alocasia and are native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia...


This week we are talking about Alocasia brancifolia. This plant is known for its philodendron-like appearance and its heavily serrated dark green leaves. You will notice the stems of this plant are spotted like its close cousin Alocasia zebrina. This unusual variety of Alocasia works great as a houseplant, or pop it in a shade container outdoors for the summer and watch it grow...


This week we are talking about Tillandsia, commonly known as Airplants. Tillandsia is a genus of 650 species of evergreen and perennial flowering plants which are part of the Bromeliad or Bromeliaceae plant family. Yes, you heard that right, the same family as Bromeliads. Airplants are native to Northern Mexico...


This week we are talking about Albuca spiralis commonly known as Frizzle Sizzle. These special plants are part of the Asparagaceae family just like asparagus fern and other monocot favorites like sansevieria, agave, and yucca. Native to the Western and Northern Cape Provinces in South Africa...


This week we are going to be talking about Alluaudia procera or Madagascar ocotillo. This deciduous plant belongs to the Didiereaceae family and is native to south Madagascar. Alluaudia procera can grow 2-3 feet a year in its natural habitat...


This week we are talking about Alocasia. This plant belongs to the Araceae family. Alocasias are native to tropical and subtropical Asia to Eastern Australia...


This week we are talking about Alocasia reginula commonly known as Black Velvet Alocasia or Little Queen. Alocasia belong to our beloved Araceae or Aroid plant family and are native to Southeast Asia. When you hear the word Alocasia...


This week we are talking about Alocasia reginula commonly known as Black Velvet Alocasia or Little Queen. Alocasia belong to our beloved Araceae or Aroid plant family and are native to Southeast Asia. When you hear the word Alocasia...


This week we are talking about Aloe. These plants belong to the Asphodelaceae (Liliaceae) or lily family and are native to Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and Madagascar. You may have heard of these plants...


This week we are talking about Ant Plants! These plants live in mutualistic association with ants. How cool is that? Don’t worry these plants don’t come with ants because that would be weird! Ant plants are native to Southeast Asia...


This week we are talking about Anthurium [an·thaw·ree·uhm]. Belonging to the Araceae family, these plants are arums and are native to Central America, Northern South America, and the Caribbean. Their showy flowers are the longest lived of any indoor plant and can last up to eight weeks...


This week we talking about Anthurium plowmanii commonly known as Birds’ Nest Anthurium. This Anthurium belongs to the Araceae or Aroid plant family and is native to western and northern...


This week we are talking about Anthurium bonplandii ssp. guayanum, more commonly known as Anthurium Cobra. This relatively new Anthurium hybrid belongs to the Araceae or Aroid plant family and originated in South America...


This week we are talking about Anthurium andraeanum, more commonly known as Anthurium ‘Lilli Pink’. This adorable plant belongs to the Araceae plant family and is native to Colombia and Ecuador. Known for its colorful, long-lasting flowers and small size, Anthurium ‘Lilli Pink’ is a great blooming plant to add a pop of color to your space.


This week we are talking about Anthurium crassinervium var. crassinervium commonly known as Anthurium ‘Jungle Bush’. Anthurium are Aroids, part of the Araceae family along with over 1,000 other species of tropical flowering plants...


This week we are talking about Apoballis acuminatissima 'Lavallaei'. This plant belongs to the Araceae family and is native to Indonesia. This Aroid is new to cultivation and known for its striking mottled silver foliage and burgundy undersides...


This week we are talking about Polyscias pinnata, more commonly known as Aralia balfour ‘Lemon Lime’. This plant belongs to the Araliaceae family and is native to Africa, Asia, Australia, parts of North and Central...


This week we are talking about Polyscias fruticosa also known as Ming aralia. This plant belongs to the Araliaceae or ginseng family which actually also includes English ivy. Ming aralia is native to Polynesia...


This week we are going to be talking about Angel Wing Begonias. These beautiful plants belong to the Begoniaceae family. Begonias are native to subtropical and tropical climates. A lot of Begonias you commonly see are grown indoors or in decorative pots outdoors in the summertime. Begonias are known for their interesting and bright colored foliage...


This week we are talking about Strelitzia, commonly known as the Bird of Paradise. This incredibly popular tropical plant belongs to the Strelitziaceae family, which is relatively small, and is native to South Africa...


This week we are talking about Breynia nivosa, more commonly as Snow Bush. This tropical shrub can be used as an indoor plant and is known for its adorable, round white and green variegated leaves and reddish stems. Its petalless flowers are obscure, small and green and hide under the foliage. If you are looking for something exciting and different to add to your plant collection, Snow Bush is a great option. Snow Bush can be a trickier plant to cultivate, but with the correct care will thrive indoors...


This week we are talking about Juniper in the bonsai form. If you are thinking about starting your bonsai journey, Juniper is a great place to start. Bonsai plants make great gifts as they are known to bring good luck and are a way to celebrate the beauty of nature on a miniature scale. Bonsai Juniper are known for their blue-ish evergreen foliage and easy care...


This week we are talking about Cynanchum marnierianum, more commonly and easily known as Bundle of Sticks. This plant is native to Madagascar and belongs to the Apocynaceae plant family along with Hoya and String of Hearts...


This week we are going to talk about general Cactus care. These prickly plants are a part of the Cactaceae family which includes thousands of species. Cactus grow in many parts of the world but mostly in arid desert environments....


This week we are talking aboutHatiora salicornioides, more commonly known as the Dancing Bones Cactus. This incredible plant belongs to the Cactaceae family and is native to eastern Brazil...


This week we are talking about Steocereus pruinosus, commonly known as the Gray Ghost Organ Cactus. This cactus is known for its powdery, gray color and columnar habit. Young plants are deeply ribbed with reddish-brown spines. White and magenta flowers will eventually develop and only open at night...



This week we are talking about Opuntia ‘Thornton Blue’. Opuntia are commonly known as Prickly Pear Cactus and belong to the Cactaceae family. Opuntia have the largest range of any cactus variety in the United States and can be...


This week we are talking about Epiphyllum guatemalense 'Monstrose', more commonly known as Orchid Cactus ‘Curly Sue’. This is a true jungle cactus, epiphytic in nature and native to Guatemala and belongs...


This week we are going to be talking about Echinopsis pachanoi more commonly known as San Pedro Cactus. This beautiful cactus is known for its columnar shape and blue-ish hue. but most importantly for its significance in Andean culture. This plant belongs to belongs to the Cactaceae family and is native to Ecuador, Peru and Colombia, but also found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Venezuela.



This week we are talking about Eulychnia castanea ''Varispiralis', commonly known as Unicorn Cactus. This plant belongs to the Cactaceae family and is native to Chile. The Unicorn Cactus is a unique specimen known for its spiral growth habit. Cacti are great plants for busy humans because they require minimal care and maintenance. This species is very slow growing making it great for small spaces...


Its time to talk about Calathea (ka·luh·thee·uh). Calathea belongs to the family Marantaceae. They are native to Brazil and other tropical areas. This plant is known for being a tad picky. I am here to help you change that! Calathea has so much potential to make a big statement in your home or office if you give it a little extra love. There are so many different beautiful varieties to chose from which makes it a truly diverse plant...


This week we are going to be talking about Calathea orbifolia. This plant belongs to the Marantaceae family like the prayer plant and is native to Bolivia. Calathea orbifolia are known for their large round green and silver striped leaves...


This week we are going to be talking about Aspidistra (ass-pih-DIS-trah) also known as the Cast iron plant. This is a flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae. It is native to Japan and Taiwan. If you get the chance you must look up an Aspidistra flower. It will blow your mind...


This week we are talking about Cereus forbesii spiralis’ more commonly known as the twisted cactus or spiral cactus. This plant belongs to the Cactaceae plant family and is native to Brazil. The spiral cactus is known for its radial, spiral growth pattern...


This week we are talking about Cissus discolor commonly known as the Rex Begonia vine. This plant belongs to the Vitaceae family, just like grapes, and is native to the tropical rainforest of the island Java. This is a gorgeous vining plant that is perfect for shade outside in the summer...


This week we are talking about Clusia rosea, more commonly known as Autograph Tree. Clusia is native to tropical America and belongs to the Clusiaceae plant family along with 300-400 species, mainly fruit bearing...


This week we are talking about Cotyledon pendens, more commonly known as Cliff Cotyledon. This hardy succulent belongs to the Crassulaceae family and is native to Namibia in southwestern Africa where they grow on rocky cliff sides...


This week we are talking about Crassula muscosa, commonly known as the rattail crassula or watch chain succulent. This plant belongs to the Crassulaceae or jade plant family and is native to Africa and Namibia. This Crassula has tiny green succulent...


This week we are talking about Ctenanthe burle-marxii, more commonly known as Fish Bone Prayer Plant. Ctenanthe belong to the Marantaceae plant family along with Maranta and Calathea. Ctenanthe is native to Brazil an other regions for South America. This beautiful plant is known for its light green leaves with tiger-like, dark-green stripes. Its scientific name recognizes the landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx who was one of the first to call for the conservation of Brazil’s rainforests. Philodendron burle-marxii is another plant named in his honor...


This week we are talking about Codiaeum variegatum commonly known as Crotons. This plant is a member of the Euphorbiaceae family, just like poinsettias, and is native to Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, and the western Pacific Ocean islands. You’ve probably seen Crotons in landscape designs all over Florida...


This week we are talking about Cyclamen. These plants belong to the Myrsinaceae family, a sub family to Primula, and are native to Europe and the Mediterranean Basin...


This week we are talking about Dischidia ruscifolia, more commonly known as Million Hearts. This plant belongs to the Apocynaceae plant family, just like Adenium, Pachypodium, and Plumeria, and is native to the Philippines. Dischidia ruscifolia has small...


This week we are talking about Drosera spatulata, commonly known as the Spoon-Leaved Sundew. This carnivorous plant belongs to the Droseraceae plant family along with 194 other species. At Tonkadale we also carry its close relative Drosera capensis...


This week we are talking about Echeveria. These plants belong to the Crassulaceae family also known as the jade family and are native to semi-desert...


This week we are talking about Echeveria ‘Lola’. Echeveria are a group of succulents displaying beautifully symmetrical rosettes of thick, juicy leaves. Lola is a cultivar developed by famed succulent hybridizer Dick Wright in 1980. This specific echeveria has pale-green leaves featuring a hint of lavender, pink, and even light blue and is enhanced by a thick layer of almost pearlescent farina (a white powdery coating of wax found on the stems and leaves of succulents)...


This week we are going to be talking about Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Cebu Blue’ more commonly known as Cebu Blue pothos. This striking blueish green plant is native to the Cebu Island in the Philippines and belongs to the Araceae family...


This week we are talking about Euphorbia abdelkuri. This succulent plant belongs to the Euphorbiaceae plant family and is native to Abd al Kuri, an island south of Yemen, where it grows in rocky areas. This slow growing Euphorbia is a great plant for smaller spaces. Euphorbia abdelkuri is a strange gray colored clumping succulent with no spines. A great collector plant that is surely to spike conversation in your home. Do keep in mind that plants in the Euphorbia family are generally toxic to humans and animals.....


Euphorbia lactea is a species of spurge native to tropical Asia, mainly India. It belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family which is a ginormous plant family with members across the globe. In our area, we enjoy Cushion Spurge Euphorbia as perennial with yellow blooms, and Euphorbia pulcherrima which is your everyday holiday plant – the Poinsettia....


Euphorbia lactea is a species of spurge native to tropical Asia, mainly India. It belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family which is a ginormous plant family with members across the globe. In our area, we enjoy Cushion Spurge Euphorbia as perennial with yellow blooms, and Euphorbia pulcherrima which is your everyday holiday plant – the Poinsettia....


This week we are talking about Euphorbia mammillaris 'Variegata', more commonly known as the Corn Cob Succulent. Named for their resemblance to an ear of corn, this plant belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family...


This week we are going to be talking about Euphorbia trigona, more commonly known as the African Milk Tree. This plant’s common name comes from the white milky sap contained inside. This Euphorbia is known for its characteristic stacking cathedral like growth and beautiful red or green color. At Tonkadale we often carry either the red or green version of Euphorbia trigona...


This week we are talking about Asplenium nidus ‘Hurricane’, commonly known as Bird’s Nest Fern. This wacky variety is part of the Aspleniaceae, or fern family, and is epiphytic in nature. The Bird’s Nest fern is native to tropical Southeastern Asia, Eastern Australia, Hawaii, Polynesia, Christmas Island, India, and Eastern Africa. This is a relatively new variety of that has an incredible spiral growth habit and glossy green leaves...


This week we are talking about Nephrolepis exaltata whose common name is the Boston Fern; an iconic part of the Tonkadale experience. If you are able to take a stroll through the greenhouse this time of year, the greenhouse canopy is draped with hanging fern baskets – a magical experience...


This week we are talking about Blechnum gibbum, more commonly known as the Silver Lady Fern. This Fern belongs to the Blechnaceae plant family and is native to New Caledonia and was introduced in Fiji. Silver Lady Fern has silky, silver foliage and grows as a “tree” in its natural environment...


This week we are talking about Platycerium bifurcatum, more commonly known as Staghorn Fern. Staghorn Ferns are native to Java, New Guinea, Eastern Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, and Lord Howe Island. This species of fern belongs to the Polypodiaceae plant family which is a family of ferns found in wet climates and rainforests, generally have a creeping habit, and are epiphytic. Epiphytic plants grow on other plants or surfaces and derive their moisture...


This week we are talking about Ficus maclellandii ‘Alii’, more commonly known as Ficus Alii. This plant is known for its dramatic, draping, strappy, green foliage closely resembling the iconic Truffula Tree! If you are looking for a large floor plant; Ficus Alii will add charm and interest. Ficus can be a little tricky, but with the correct care and the perfect spot, they will thrive and grow quite large!...


This week we are going to be talking about Ficus altissima. This plant is native to Southeastern asia and belongs to the Moraceae family...


This week we are going to talk about Ficus benghalensis also known as Ficus Audrey. This is a tree native to the Indian subcontinent and is actually the national tree of India. A layer of fuzz lines the leaves and stems of this plant which makes it oh so adorable...


This week we are talking about Ficus deltoidea, commonly known as mistletoe fig. This plant is native to Southeast Asia and belongs to the Moraceae family. Interesting to know, this fig will grow in unusual places – in cracks, on stones...


This week you get a bonus plant blog - Ficus lyrata [FYE-kuss lye-RA-tuh] aka the Fiddle leaf fig. It is native to western Africa where it grows in lowland tropical rainforest. The Ficus lyrata belongs to the Moraceae family...


This week we are talking about Ficus petiolaris, commonly known as the Rock Fig or Strangler Fig. This fig is native to Mexico from Baja California and Sonora south to Oaxaca and belongs to the Moraceae or Mulberry plant family...


This week we are talking about Ficus elastica ‘Ruby’, commonly known as the rubber tree. These plants belong to the Moraceae (Mulberry) family and are native to eastern parts of South Asia and Southeast Asia...


This week we are talking about Ficus elastica 'Shivereana', commonly known as a Variegated Rubber Tree. This plant belong to the Moraceae (Mulberry) plant family along with Fiddle Leaf Figs...


This week we are talking about Ficus triangularis. These plants are native to Southern Africa and belong to the Moraceae plant family just rubber trees, the banyan tree and Osage orange....


This week we are talking about the succulent Haworthia. These plants belong to the Asphodelaceae family, which includes other favorite succulents such as Aloe and Gasteria, and are native to Southern Africa...


This week we talking about Hibiscus. This plant belongs to the Malvaceae family and is native to subtropical and tropical regions throughout the world. If you are looking to add that tropical vibe with vibrant gorgeous flowers, then this is the plant for you. There are a few key things to keeping this tropical plant happy. Hibiscus do their best outdoors in our hot and humid summers...


This week we talking about Schlumbergera sp., commonly known as the holiday cactus. This plant is native to coastal mountains of south-eastern Brazil and is in the Cactaceae plant family consisting of 131 different genera...


This week we are talking about Homalomena. This plant belongs to the Araceae family just like its Aroid friends and is native to Southern Asia and Southwestern Pacific. If you are looking for a leafy green plant that can take some low light, then this is the one for you. Thick, green spade shaped leaves set this plant apart from other low light tolerant plants...


This week we are talking about Homalomena ‘Golden Gem’. This plant belongs to the Araceae plant family just like its Aroid friends and is native to tropical Asia and South America. If you are looking for a leafy green plant that can tolerate low light, then this is the one's for you. Golden Gem is a fresh twist on its classic green counterpart boasting arrow shaped leaves...


This week we are talking about one of our favorite species of plants… Hoyas! There are about 900 different species, cultivars, and hybrids that we know of so far. Hoya belong to the dogbane plant family, Apocynaceae...


This week we are talking about Hoya carnosa 'Compacta', commonly known as Rope Hoya. This plant belongs to the Apocynaceae or Dogbane plant family along with adenium, stapelia, and even milkweed. Native to southern India, hoyas were introduced by Scottish botanist Robert Brown and named in honor of the 18th-century botanist Thomas Hoy. With its twisted waxy, green leaves the Rope Hoya is definitely one to add to your collection...


This week we are talking about Hoya cumingiana. This plant is native to the Philippines and belongs to the Apocynaceae or Dogbane plant family along with Adenium, Plumeria, and Stapelia. This adorable Hoya has small, rounded leaves and yellow flowers with burgundy centers that pack a beautifully scented citrus punch. Hoya cumingiana was first collected by a botanist named Hugh Cuming in 1841 on the Island of Mindoro in the Philippines...


This week we are talking about Hoya fungii x pubicalyx. This hoya is a cross between H. fungii and H. pubicalyx. Hoya are a species of flowering plant in the dogbane or Apocynaceae plant family along with milkweed...


This week we are talking about Hoya gracilis. This plant is native to Eastern Asia and Australia and belongs to the Apocynaceae or Dogbane which also includes milkweed, jasmine...


This week we are talking about Hoya kerrii, more commonly known as the heart shaped Hoya. Hoya kerrii is native to Southeast Asia and belongs to the Apocynaceae plant family along with dischidia, milkweed, and plumeria. Hoya kerrii is known for its heart shaped leaves making it a great valentines day gift. The heart shaped Hoya is grown and marketed in two different ways...


This week we are talking about Hoya krohniana. This plant belongs to the Apocynaceae family and is native to Southeast Asia. Hoya’s were introduced by Scottish botanist Robert Brown and named in honor...


This week we are talking about Hoya obovata, one of our all-time favorite indoor plants! We have many hoya collectors among us, and with over 900 unique species, cultivars, and hybrids (that we know of so far)...


This week we are talking about Hoya multiflora ‘Shooting Star’. Hoya are known for their waxy foliage and extra-terrestrial blooms. This specific variety is named for its fireworks-like display of blooms. Hoya are one of the easiest groups of plants to care for with a few care tips to get you started. There are hundreds of varieties to collect - once you start, you can't stop...


This week we are talking about Hoya Rosita. This plant belongs to the Apocynaceae or Dogbane plant family along with Desert Rose and Stapelia. This hoya resulted from a cross between...


This week we are talking about Hypoestes phyllostachya, commonly known as polka dot plant. This plant is known for its colorful foliage with adorable polka dots. Hypoestes are available in red, pink, and white - a great option if you are looking to add a splash of color to your home or an outdoor shade container! Hypoestes are a great easy to care for plant that work great in terrariums or if you are just starting out with indoor plants...


This week we are talking about Crassula ovata, commonly known as Jade plants. Jade are native to the KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape provinces of South Africa, and Mozambique and belong to the Crassulaceae or Stonecrop plant family...


This week we are talking about Trachelospermum jasminoides commonly known as Star Jasmine. This plant belongs to the Apocynaceae family and is native to eastern and southeastern Asia. These plants are known for their beautiful white blooms that glow in the moonlight that radiate a sweet fragrance in all directions...


This week’s plant features Jatropha Podagrica [JAT-roh-fuh pod-AG-ree-kuh] aka Buddha’s Belly, Gout Plant, Purging Nut, and Guatemalan Rhubarb. It is native to the tropical Americas. This plant is commonly known for its thick caudex and beautiful large green leaves. It really does look like a large potato with leaves....


This week we are going to be talking about Cupressus macrocarpa 'Goldcrest' or more commonly known as Lemon Cypress. This plant is native to Monterey Bay on the coast of central California and belongs to the...


This week we are talking about the Lemon Tree! These plants belong to the Rutaceae family, commonly known as the Rue or Citrus family, and are native to South Asia. This is a great plant for outdoors with our warm hot summers. Indoors it can add great foliage to a room. Lemon trees are prized for their fruit, but also for their sweet smelling fruit and aromatic leaves...


This week we are going to be talking about Ledebouria socialis, more commonly known as Leopard Lily or Silver Squill. This unique plant belongs to the Asparagaceae plant family along with yucca, spider plants, and plumosa ferns and is native to the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Leopard Lily is known for its spotted foliage and large bulbs which form at the base of the plant. This plant stays relatively small, only reaching 6-10 inches tall. If you are as interested in South African bulbs...


This week we are talking about Aeschynanthus radicans or more commonly known as the Lipstick plant. This plant belongs to the Gesneriaceae family, just like African violets, and is native to Southeast Asia...


This week we are talking about Aeschynanthus ‘Bolero Bicolor’, more commonly known as the Bi-Color Lipstick plant because its blooms resemble a tube of lipstick. This plant belongs to the Gesneriaceae plant family along with Episcia, African Violets, and Streptocarpus, and is native to Asia. This specific variety of Lipstick plant has white and green variegated foliage and bright red flowers...


This week we are talking about Dracaena sanderiana, more commonly known as Lucky Bamboo. This plant belongs to the Asparagaceae plant family along with agave, yucca, and asparagus fern, and is native to Africa. Lucky Bamboo was named after the German–English gardener Henry Frederick Conrad Sander who was a orchidologist...


This week we are talking about Castanospermum australe, more commonly known as Moreton Bay Chestnut or the Lucky Bean Plant. If you love talking about really cool plants, this is the one for you! Lucky Bean sprouts from a large green-brown seed that sits atop the soil and produces glossy, dark green foliage...


This week we are talking about Maranta leuconeura. This plant was named for the Italian physician and botanist, Bartolomeo Maranta in the 16th century and belongs to the Marantaceae family. The Maranta genus...


This week we talking about Mimosa pudica also known as sensitive plant. This plant is native to the Caribbean and South and Central America. Interesting to note, Sensitive plant belongs to the pea/legume family Fabaceae...


This week we are talking about Monstera deliciosa, more commonly known as split-leaf philodendron. Monstera deliciosa belong to the Araceae or Aroid plant family. This is a species of flowering plant (yes flowering!) that is native to the tropical forests...


This week we are talking about Monstera karstenianum, more commonly known as Monstera Peru. This unique aroid has beautiful dark green textured foliage and a trailing habit. If you love the genus Monstera as much as we do, then this is a variety is a must have...


This week we are talking about Monstera siltepecana. This silver leaved Monstera is native to Southern Mexico and Central America and belongs to the Araceae or Aroid plant family. If you love Monstera and are looking...


This week we are talking about Neoregelia 'Gazpacho'. Neoregelia is a genus of epiphytic flowering plants in the Bromeliaceae plant family and are native to South American rainforests...


This week we are talking about Nepenthes, more commonly known as Pitcher Plant. This carnivorous plant belongs to the Nepenthaceae family and is native to Southeast Asia including Borneo...


This week we are talking about Neoregelia ‘Super Fireball’. Neoregelia is a genus of epiphytic plantd belonging to the Bromeliaceae family. These interesting plants...


This week we are talking about Opuntia cochenillifera ‘Sunburst’, more commonly known as the variegated prickly pear cactus but with a citrusy, colored twist. Prickly pears are native to Mexico and belong to the Cactaceae family....


This week we are going to be talking about Araucaria heterophylla more commonly known as Norfolk Island Pine. This conifer is native to Norfolk Island, a small island in the Pacific Ocean between New Zealand and New Caledonia...


This week we are talking about Dendrobium Orchids. This flowering plant belongs to the Orchidaceae family. It is a very large genus containing more than 1,800 species


This week we are talking about Ludisia discolor, which means “of two colors”, is commonly known as the Jewel Orchid. These incredible plants are native to China and Southeast Asian countries...


This week we are talking about Vanilla plantifolia commonly known as the Vanilla Bean Orchid. This is a flowering plant that belongs to the....


This week we are talking about Oscularia deltoides, more commonly know as the pink ice plant. This plant belongs to the Aizoaceae family and is native to South Africa. Ice plant is known for its geometric shaped leaves in fact, and hot pink flowers...


This week we are talking about Oxalis triangularis, more commonly known as purple shamrock. Oxalis is a large genus of flowering plants in the wood-sorrel family, Oxalidaceae, and are native to South America...


This week we are talking about Pachypodium lamerei, more commonly known as Madagascar palm.

Madagascar palm belongs to the Apocynaceae or dogbane plant family along with Adenium and Milkweed and is native to the island of Madagascar, off the east coast of Africa.

This plant evolved to withstand heat and drought and is known for its bulbous, spiny trunk. ...


This week we are talking about Palms. Palms are native to tropical and subtropical climates and belong to the Arecaceae plant family where all members are monocots meaning their seeds typically only contain one cotyledon. If you’re looking to add a more tropical feel to your home, then this is the plant for you! There are many different species of palms to choose from...


This week we are talking about Chamaedorea elegans commonly known as the Neanthe Bella Palm or Parlor Palm. This compact variety belongs to the Arecaceae plant family along with other useful monocots such as coconuts, the rattan palm, and the date palm; and is native to the rainforests...


ThisThis week we are talking about Rhapis excelsa, commonly known as Lady Palm. This plant belongs to the Arecaceae plant family and is native to southern China and Taiwan. Lady Palms grows in dense clumps of bamboo-like stalks and have large, fan shaped foliage emerging from sheaths...


This week we are talking about Trachycarpus fortune, more commonly known as the Windmill Palm. This palm is native to parts of China, Japan, Myanmar, and India. Palms are in the Arecaceae plant family...


This week’s plant is Spathiphyllum (spath-i-phyl-lum) aka Peace lily. These belong to the Araceae family and are native to tropical regions of the Americas and southeastern Asia. Peace lily are one of the most common houseplants you will see around...


This week we are talking about Pellionia, commonly known as Trailing Begonia or Rainbow Vine. This species of flowering plant that belongs to the Urticaceae or Nettle plant family along with Pilea and is native to Southeast Asia...


This week we are going to be talking about Peperomia! These plants belong to the Piperaceae family along with 1500 other species and are native to Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. Peperomia are a fun plant because there are so many different shapes and sizes. If you are looking for a plant that stays relatively small, then this is a great one for a coffee table or book end. Peperomia are also a great plant for the beginner houseplant enthusiast...


This week we are talking about Peperomia incana, more commonly known as the Felted Peperomia. This special plant is native to Brazil’s tropical regions, Mexico, and the West Indies. Peperomia incana belongs to the Piperaceae plant family along with...


This week we are talking about Peperomia polybotrya also known as Owl Eye or Raindrop Peperomia. This interesting variety of Peperomia is native to tropical areas of Central and South America and belong to the Piperaceae or pepper plant family along with Piper nigrum...


This week we are talking about Peperomia ‘Pixie Lime’, commonly known as baby rubber plant or radiator plant.

Peperomia ‘Pixie Lime’ belongs to the Piperaceae or pepper plant family along with Piper nigrum which is used worldwide in the production of black pepper corns. Surprisingly, there are no actual peppers in this plant family.


This week we are talking about Philodendron hederaceum ‘Brasil’, commonly known as Philodendron ‘Brasil’. These plants belong to the Araceae or Aroid family and are native to Central America and the Caribbean. Philodendron ‘Brasil’ is a cultivar of the Heartleaf Philodendron meaning...


This week we are talking about Philodendron erubescens 'Black Cardinal'. This plant belongs to the Araceae or Aroid plant family and is a hybrid Philodendron. Black cardinal is known for its gorgeous large, glossy, dark black leaves. Philodendrons are known and love for their ease of care and are a great plant for beginner plant parents. If you are into the “goth gardening” trend, this one’s for you...


This week we are talking about Philodendron Giganteum. This plant is native to the Caribbean Islands and several regions of South America and belongs to the Araceae family. The Giganteum is one of the largest species...


This week we are talking about Philodendron gloriosum. This crawling, terrestrial plant belongs to the Araceae family and is native to Columbia. Gloriosum have large, green leaves and deep white veins making it a great statement plant for your home...


This week we are talking about Thaumatophyllum spruceanum formerly and more commonly known as Philodendron goeldii.This plant belongs to the Araceae or Aroid family and is native to Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador...


This week we will be talking about the beautiful Philodendron (fi·luh·den·druhn) ‘McColleys Finale’. It belongs in the Araceae family. This is a very interesting hybrid Philodendron because of its how it was found. A man by the name of Robert H. McColley in Apopka, Florida...


This week we are talking about Philodendron scandens ‘Micans’. This plant is native to the Caribbean and Mexico. They belong to the Araceae plant family, a group of plants commonly referred...


This week we are talking about Philodendron ‘Summer Glory’. This Philodendron was bred by LariAnn Garner back in 2016 and is a hybrid of an unnamed Bob McColley Philodendron and pollen donor Philodendron gloriosum. Fun fact, LariAnn Garner is also responsible for creating Alocasia Regal Shields...


This week we are talking about Philodendron erubescens 'Pink Princess' - a gorgeous and highly sought after plant that appears on many plant parent's wish lists. Philodendron Pink Princess is part of the Araceae or Aroid plant family and is characterized by deep green, heart-shaped...


This week we are talking about Philodendron hastatum, commonly known as Philodendron Silver Sword. This plant belongs to Araceae or Aroid plant family and is native to Southeastern Brazil...


This week are talking about Philodendron erubescens ‘White Princess’ which is a newer hybrid cultivar of the blushing philodendron as the specific epithet erubescens implies. Philodendrons are aroids and are members of the Araceae plant family. Unlike its parent plant, White Princess is a self-heading, not climbing philodendron, forming a dense colony originating on a single stalk. This plant is loved for its striking white and green variegation.


This week we are talking about Pilea peperomioides (Pie-Lee-uh Pepper–o–mee–oy-dees). Commonly known as the Chinese money plant or the friendship plant. This plant belongs to the Urticaceae family and is native to Yunnan and Sichuan provinces in southern China. Believe it or not, at one point this plant was considered extremely rare and was seen at nurseries going for triple digits...


This week we are talking about Piper crocatum, commonly known as Celebes Pepper. This vining plant is native to Peru and South America and belongs to the Piperaceae family...


This week we are talking about Platycerium elephantotis, more commonly known as Elephant Staghorn Fern. This plant belongs to the Polypodiaceae plant family and is native to tropical regions of Africa where it grows naturally on trees, rocks, and in the soil...



This week we are talking about Euphorbia pulcherrima or more commonly known as Poinsettias. These plants are native to Mexico and Central America and belong to the Euphorbia...


This week we are talking about Portulacaria afra, commonly known as elephant’s food or elephant shrub. Elephants actually like to eat it! This plant is native to South Africa and belongs to the Didiereaceae family...


This week we are going to be talking about Epipremnum [Epi-prem-num] aka the ever so classic Pothos. Belonging to the Araceae family, these plants are native to the tropical forests from China, the Himalayas, and Southeast Asia to Australia the western Pacific. These are my go-to plant for any new plant parent...


This week we are talking about Epipremnum aureum 'Snow Queen', more commonly known as Snow Queen Pothos. Pothos are known as the ultimate houseplant for easy care and vigorous growth. This variety closely resembles the marble queen pothos but boasts even more white variegation...


This week we are going to be talking about Rhaphidophora decursiva. These plants are native to India and Southeast Asia, including Southern China in the foothills of the Himalayas and belong to the Araceae family...


This week we are going to be exploring the infamous Rhaphidophora tetrasperma or commonly seen as “Rhaphidophora Ginny”. If you are looking for an extremely easy care, fast growing plant this is your go to! Some may say they grow like a weed, but a much prettier version...


This week our featured plant is Rhipsalis sp.. Commonly known as mistletoe cactus or jungle cactus. These beauties belong to the Cactaceae family and are native to Central America, the Caribbean, and northern regions of South America....


This week we are talking about Rhipsalis paradoxa, commonly referred to as mistletoe cactus This variety is known for its green, cascading, non-spikey foliage that resembles chain links, making it a great hanging plant. There are over 40 different varieties of Rhipsalis to collect. With proper care this plant will reward you with adorable, little, white flowers that form transluscent berries which resemble, you guessed it, mistletoe!


This week we are switching things up and talking about Salvia rosmarinus, more commonly known as rosemary, and specifically the conical form that is available seasonally in the greenhouse. This aromatic herb...


This week we are talking about Cycas revoluta more commonly known as Sago palm. Sago palms are gymnosperms and are members of the Cycadaceae family. Gymnosperms are a group of vascular plants that produce seeds unprotected by...


This week we are talking about Sansevieria trifasciata 'Ghost', more commonly known as snake plant or mother in laws tongue. This is a new cultivar from Indonesia, belonging to the Asparagaceae family. You may think of snake plants as boring or generic...


This week we are talking about Sansevieria ehrenbergii commonly known as Samurai Sansevieria. This snake plant is native to the arid regions of tropical Africa and parts of Asia. As some of you may have heard the Sansevieria plant...


This week we are talking about Schefflera actinophylla ‘Soleil’, commonly known as Schefflera Amate or umbrella tree. Schefflera belong to the Araliaceae family...


This week we are talking about Schismatoglottis ‘Thailand’. Schismatoglottis is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the Araceae, or Aroid plant family. The majority of this species are native to the Island of Borneo...


This week we are talking about Scindapsus pictus ‘Exotica’, more commonly known as Silver Satin Pothos. This beautiful houseplant is known for its large, heart shaped, silvery-green leaves and easy care. Scindapsus are a great hanging plant because of their trailing habit...


This week we are going to be talking about Scindapsus pictus ‘Jade Satin’. This plant belongs to the Araceae plant family and is native to Southeast Asia. If you love its close cousin Pothos for its easy care...


This week we are talking about the Xerosicyos danguyi, more commonly known as silver dollar vine. This succulent is native to Southwestern Madagascar and belongs to the Cucurbitaceae plant family which mostly consists of...


This week we are talking about Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri, more commonly known as Spring Cactus or Easter. This plant belongs to the Cactaceae or Cactus plant family and is native to South America. You may be familiar with this plant as it is closely related to the Thanksgiving Cactus and Holiday Cactus. The Spring Cactus blooms March – May and...


This week we are talking about Stapelia gigantea, more commonly known as carrion plant or starfish flower. This plant is native to the desert regions of South Africa and Tanzania and belong to the Apocynaceae plant family...


This week we are talking about Streptocarpus. Belonging to the Gesneriaceae plant family, just like African Violets, this plant is native to Central, Eastern and Southern Africa...


This week we are talking about Primulina dryas ‘Pretty Turtle’, also referred to Streptocarpus ‘Pretty Turtle’. This plant belongs to the Gesneriaceae family along with African violets and is native to central, eastern and southern Africa...


This week we are talking about Ceropegia woodii [seer-uh-pee-jee-uh wood-ee-i] aka String of hearts. Belonging to the Apocynaceae family, SOH are native to Africa, southern Asia, and Australia. If you are looking for an easy-peasy trailing plant this is the one. If plants are your love language you can’t resist those tiny little strands of hearts...


This week we are talking about Ceropegia woodii ‘Silver’, more commonly known as String of Hearts Silver Glory. This hybrid belongs to the Apocynaceae plant family along with Oleander, and Milkweed and is native to South Africa, Eswatini and Zimbabwe. This variety is highly sought after for its beautiful silver, heart-shaped foliage...


This week we are talking about Curio rowleyanus formerly known as Senecio rowleyanus and commonly known as String of Pearls. The genus name Curio is derived from the Latin word curiosus, meaning curious. These plants are native to...


This week we are going to be talking about Peperomia prostrata [pep-er-ROH-mee-uh prost-RA-tuh] aka String of turtles. These cute little plants got their nickname because they look like the backs of turtles. They are native to the tropical rainforest of South America and are in the Piperaceae family...


This week we are talking about Succulent plant care. Succulents are a classic houseplant and often the gateway to addictive plant parenting...


Let’s talk Syngonium podophyllum (Sin-GO-nee-um Po-do-FI-lum). Also known as Arrowhead plant, Goosefoot plant, and Nephthytis. This plant belongs to the Araceae (or aroid) family. It is native to tropical rainforests in southern Mexico, the West Indies, Central and South America....


Let’s talk about care. Syngonium thrive in bright, indirect light. Direct sun may cause leaf burn. Bright, morning sun, usually an Eastern exposure, is the ideal placement for this plant. When it’s time to repot, we recommend...


This week we are going to be talking about Tradescantia nanouk (tra·duh·skan·shee·uh). These familiar plants belong to the Commelinaceae family and are native to Southern Canada to northern Argentina, including the West Indies...


This week we are talking about Senecio macroglossus f. variegatus, more commonly known as Variegated Wax Ivy. With its waxy texture and thick leaves, this plant looks like an ivy but is actually a succulent. We love this unique succulent because of its trailing habbit and adorable yellow daisy-like flowers. Leaves are a variegated blend of vibrant green, cream, and sometimes even hints of pink...


This week we are going to be talking about Hemigraphis alternata more commonly known as the Waffle Plant. This plant belongs to the Acanthaceae family and is native to the tropical regions of Indonesia and India...


This week we are talking about Xanthosoma lindenii 'Magnificum', sometimes referred to as the Angel Wing Caladium. Xanthosoma lindenii 'Magnificum' belongs to the Aracea or Aroid plant family just like peace lily, philodendron, anthurium and so many more!

Xanthosoma is native to Columbia and is known for its its neon green and white stripped leaves that can reach up to 15 inches in length. This plant grows from and can be propagated by rhizomes just like...



This week we are talking about Yucca. Yucca belongs to the Asparagaceae plant family and is native to Mexico and Central America. Yucca is a species of flowering plant...


This week we are talking about Zamioculcas zamiifolia ‘Raven’, more commonly known as Raven ZZ. ZZ plants are aroids and belong to the Araceae plant family along with philodendrons, peace lilies, and anthuriums...


This week we are talking about Zamioculcas zamiifolia, more commonly known as ZZ plant. ZZ belongs to the Araceae plant family and is native to Eastern Africa...


This week we are talking about Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Zenzi'. This is a short and compact cultivar of our beloved ZZ plant! ZZ Zenzi belongs to the Araceae plant family and is native...