Autograph Tree

Autograph Tree

Posted by Hannah Brand on Dec 20th 2022

December 20, 2022

clusia rosea

Hey Plant Friends!

This week we are talking about Clusia rosea, more commonly known as Autograph Tree. Clusia is native to tropical America and belongs to the Clusiaceae plant family along with 300-400 species, mainly fruit bearing tropical trees and shrubs. Despite its tropical nature, Clusia is often used as an indoor plant. This plant is known for its thick, leathery dark green foliage. The foliage is so tough, you can carve into it, hence its common name! Reserve carving your initials for well-established plants! Keep in mind, the sap of Clusia is toxic to dogs and cats.

Let’s talk about care. Clusia require full sun. Choose a south or west facing exposure to keep this plant healthy and happy. Re-pot using Espoma’s All Purpose Organic Potting Mix which is a great mix because of the balance between water retention and drainage. Because of their thick, waxy leaves, Clusia are fairly drought tolerant. Allow the top 3-4 inches of soil to dry before giving a good soak. Clusia are sensitive to temperature changes, make sure to keep away from cold drafts or warm vents. Your plant will surely appreciate extra humidity, especially during our dry winter months. Use a Continuous Spray Bottle to mist and increase humidity. As always, keep an eye out for common pests such as mealy bugs and spider mites. Check for pests weekly when watering and keep a bottle of Bonide’s Insecticidal Soap on hand for easy treatment.

Clusia is available at Tonkadale in 4” pots. If you have additional questions feel free to reach out by phone, Instagram, or email us at

Happy Planting!

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