Bi-Color Lipstick Plant

Bi-Color Lipstick Plant

Posted by Hannah Brand on Sep 27th 2023

Bi-Color Lipstick Plant

Hey Plant Friends!

This week we are talking about Aeschynanthus ‘Bolero Bicolor’, more commonly known as Bi-Color Lipstick plant because its blooms resemble a tube of lipstick. This plant belongs to the Gesneriaceae plant family along with Episcia, African Violets, and Streptocarpus, and is native to Asia. This specific variety of Lipstick plant has white and green variegated foliage and bright red flowers. Lipstick plants are known for their easy care and beautiful dense canopy. Display as a center piece or in a hanging basket for a cascading showstopper. There are many different varieties of Lipstick Plants such as ‘Rasta’ which has curly leaves, and ‘Black Pagoda’ with dark spotted foliage. Bi-Color is new to Tonkadale and we couldn’t be more excited. Bonus, Lipstick Plants are pet friendly

Let’s talk about care. Lipstick plants love bright, filtered light. Too much direct sun will cause leaf burn and result in leaf drop. To promote flowering, fertilizer and temperature are key. Fertilize with Schultz All Purpose Liquid Plant Food. Ideal temperatures for bud formation and blooms is 65-75 degrees F. Keep away from heating or cooling vents to keep temperatures consistent and also avoid drafts which could lead to leaf drop. Lipstick plants like consistent moisture specifically during active growth. Allow the soil to dry down 2-3 inches before giving it a good soak. Check your plant weekly for watering. During the winter months cut back as day length and light levels decrease significantly.  Repot using a well-draining soil such as Sol Soils Chunky Houseplant Mix. Keep an eye out for common pests such as mealy bugs, spider mites, and scale. Check for pests weekly when watering and keep a bottle of Bonide’s Insecticidal Soap on hand for easy treatment.

We currently carry Aeschynanthus Bolero Bicolor in 4” pots in the greenhouse. If you have any further questions feel free to reach out to us by phone, Instagram, or email us at

Happy planting!