Windmill Palm

Windmill Palm

Posted by Hannah Brand on Apr 3rd 2023

April 4, 2023

Windmill Palm

Hey Plant Friends!

This week we are talking about Trachycarpus fortune, more commonly known as the Windmill Palm. This palm is native to parts of China, Japan, Myanmar, and India. Palms are in the Arecaceae plant family and are part of the group of monocot plants. Their large, compound leaves are known as fronds. Palms are a great way to add a soft, tropical feel to your home. We always have many species of palms to choose from in the greenhouse, but this one is new to us!

Let’s talk about care. Palms love bright, indirect light in the home. If you put yours outside for the summer it will need a partly shaded spot to prevent sun burn on the leaves. When repotting, palms like an even well-draining soil such as Espoma’s Organic Potting Mix. Proper drainage is essential to plant health. Make sure your container has a drainage hole and never let palms sit in standing water. Keep soil evenly moist, but not saturated. During the winter you will be watering less. Check weekly for watering during the summer months. Fertilize with Espoma’s Palm Tone every three months. Yellowing or browning leaves can happen. Simply trim them off and your plant will do just fine! Scout and inspect the undersides of leaves for insects each time you water. A common pest to keep an eye out for is spider mites. Keep a bottle of Bonide's Insecticidal Super Soap on hand for quick and easy treatment.

Windmill Palm is available in the greenhouse in 6” pots. If you have additional questions feel free to reach out to us by phone, Instagram, or email us -

Happy Planting!

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