Begonia Geometry
Posted by Hannah Brand on Feb 10th 2025
Weekly Plant Chat: Begonia Geometry
Hey Plant Friends!
This week we are talking about Begonia ‘Geometry’. This striking plant is known for its jaw dropping neon green and red geometric patterned foliage. With correct care, Begonias make a great indoor plant. If you are looking to try your hand at Begonias, look no further.
Family of Origin
Begonia ‘Geometry’ belongs to the Begoniaceae plant family and is a hybrid cultivar of Rex Begonia. This variety was created by crossbreeding different begonia species which are commonly native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America, Africa, and southern Asia.
Plant Care
Rex Begonias prefer bright, indirect light, and will tolerate medium light. Keep away from direct sunlight as leaves may burn. If you plan to place your plant outside for the summer a nice shady spot is perfect.
Plant in all-purpose potting soil like Coco Loco or step-up your game with a terrestrial mix; 2-3 parts all-purpose potting soil, 1 part vermiculite, 1/2 part worm castings.
Keep the soil evenly moist. Rex Begonias do not like to dry out completely, but do not appreciate waterlogged soil. Water once the top 2 inches of soil dries, we recommend making sure your pot has adequate drainage to prevent rot.
Fertilize weekly during periods of active growth with an all-purpose fertilizer such as Schultz All-Purpose Liquid Fertilizer. As growth slows in the winter months, fertilization may not be needed.
Hot Tips
Rex Begonias are rhizomatous and can be easily propagated by rhizome division. New plants will also sprout from leaf tip cuttings. Keep an eye out for common pests such as mealy bugs and spider mites.
Check for pests weekly while watering and keep a bottle of Bonide’s Insecticidal Soap on hand for easy treatment.
Begonias appreciate a humid environment, using a Continuous Spray Bottle daily during our dry winter months can help keep your plant nice and hydrated.
Rex Begonias are not pet friendly.
Shop Now!
Shop Now! Begonia Geometry are available in 4” pots in the greenhouse.
Always approachable and happy to help!