Philodendron Black Cardinal

Philodendron Black Cardinal

Posted by Hannah Brand on Mar 4th 2024

Philodendron Black Cardinal

Hey Plant Friends!

This week we are talking about Philodendron erubescens 'Black Cardinal'. This plant belongs to the Araceae or Aroid plant family and is a hybrid Philodendron. Black cardinal is known for its gorgeous large, glossy, dark black leaves. Philodendrons are known and love for their ease of care and are a great plant for beginner plant parents. If you are into the “goth gardening” trend, this one’s for you!

Let’s talk about care. Philodendon ‘Black Cardinal’ loves a bright, indirect light in the home, but will tolerate lower light conditions. Choosing an east facing window that gets direct morning sun and then dappled indirect light throughout the day is perfect for health and optimal leaf color expression. When it’s time to repot, we recommend using a nice chunky aroid mix such as the Sol Soils Houseplant Mix. You can also mix your own Aroid soil by combining equal parts all-purpose potting soil, orchid bark, and perlite. Then add ½ part horticultural charcoal and ½ part work castings. Water Philodendon ‘Black Cardinal’ when the top 2-3 inches of soil is dry. Cut on watering during the winter months as light quantity and quality is significantly less than our bright sunshine in the summer. Never allow your plant to sit in standing water as this can lead to root rot. Fertilize with an all-purpose fertilizer every other time you watering during active growth. We like Schultz Liquid Plant Food. Keep in mind that Philodendrons are tropical plants so additional humidity is appreciated. We love the Continuous Spray Bottle for ease of use. As we know, when collecting plants pests can be an issue. Look out for mealy bugs, spider mites, and aphids. Check for pests weekly while watering, especially on the undersides of leaves. Keep a bottle of Bonide’s Insecticidal Soap on hand for easy treatment. Unfortunately, Philodendon ‘Black Cardinal’ is toxic to our furry friends.

We currently carry Philodendron ‘Black Cardinal’ here at the greenhouse in 4” pots. If you have any further questions feel free to reach out to us by phone, Instagram, or email us at

Happy planting!