Raven ZZ

Raven ZZ

Posted by Hannah Brand on Oct 15th 2023

Raven ZZ

Hey Plant Friends!

This week we are talking about Zamioculcas zamiifolia ‘Raven’, more commonly known as Raven ZZ. ZZ plants are aroids and belong to the Araceae plant family along with philodendrons, peace lilies, and anthuriums. ZZ plants are native to East Africa. Raven made its debut to the indoor plant market in 2019, but was actually discovered as a sport in 2015. Raven ZZ is a fan favorite at Tonkadale for its foliage which emerges as bright green then gradually darkens to deep purple and almost black.

Let’s talk about care. ZZ plants are one of the easiest indoor plants to care for. Water your ZZ plant when almost completely dry. Rhizomes (modified roots) are able to store water through periods of drought which are crucial for plant health. Repot with Sol Soils Houseplant Chunky Mix which has everything you need for sharp drainage. Keep in mind, ZZ plants are slow growing and like to be root bound. Transplant to the next size up when your plant is literally busting at the seams! Bright, indirect light is best for active growth and full color expression. Although pests are uncommon when growing ZZ plants, do keep an eye out for insects such as mealy bugs and spider mites. Scout when watering and keep a bottle of Bonide’s Insecticidal Soap on hand for easy treatment.

Zamioculcas zamiifolia ‘Raven’ is available at Tonkadale in 4”, 6” and 10” pots. If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out by phone, Instagram, or email us at hello@tonkadale.com.

Happy Planting!