Hoya Rosita
Posted by Hannah Brand on Aug 28th 2023
Hoya Rosita
Hey Plant Friends!
This week we are talking about Hoya Rosita. This plant belongs to the Apocynaceae or Dogbane plant family along with Desert Rose and Stapelia. This hoya resulted from a cross between Hoya wayetii and Hoya tsangii making it a rare species to obtain. Hoyas are an indoor plant standby as they are easy to care for and just as easy to collect! Hoya are epiphytes in their natural habitat meaning they grow on trees and occasionally terrestrially in rocky areas. Wax Plant due to its thick, waxy leaves or Porcelain Flower for its delicate, fragrant blooms. With a few easy-care tips, your Hoya will thrive and even bloom indoors.
Let’s talk about care. Hoyas need consistent, bright light to truly thrive in your home. Place in a bright, south, or west facing window avoiding direct sunlight as this could burn the leaves. Higher light yields brightly tinted rosy foliage for Hoya Rosita. When repotting, we recommend Sol Soils Houseplant Chunky Mix which is perfect for the drainage and aeration needs of Hoya. Hoya can handle drying out a bit. Allow the soil to dry about 75% before giving a good soak. Cut back on watering during winter months as growth will have slowed. Fertilize with Schultz All Purpose Fertilizer during active growth to encourage blooms. Generally, Hoya will begin to bloom after they reach maturity (2-5 years) and when grown tight in their pot. Keep an eye out for common pests such as mealy bugs and spider mites. Check for pests weekly when watering. Keep a bottle of Bonide’s Insecticidal Soap on hand for easy treatment.
Hoya Rosita is available in the greenhouse in 4” and 6"pots. If you have additional questions feel free to reach out to us by phone, Instagram, or email us - hello@tonkadale.com.
Happy Planting!