Hoya cumingiana

Hoya cumingiana

Posted by Hannah Brand on Sep 24th 2023

Hoya cumingiana

Hey Plant Friends!

This week we are talking about Hoya cumingiana. This plant is native to the Philippines and belongs to the Apocynaceae or Dogbane plant family along with Adenium, Plumeria, and Stapelia. This adorable Hoya has small, rounded leaves and yellow flowers with burgundy centers that pack a beautifully scented citrus punch. Hoya cumingiana was first collected by a botanist named Hugh Cuming in 1841 on the Island of Mindoro in the Philippines. This hoya looks great growing up a trellis or cascading from a hanging basket. If you are looking to add an unusual Hoya to your collection, go get this one!

Let’s talk about care. Hoyas love consistent, bright light in your home to really thrive. Place in your brightest window but make sure to avoid direct sun for prolonged periods as this can cause leaf scorch. When repotting, we recommend Sol Soils Houseplant Chunky Mix. This soil is a great choice for the drainage and aeration your Hoya needs. When developing your watering routine, keep in mind that Hoya can handle some drought. Allow soil to dry down about 75% before giving a good soak. Hoya foliage will tell you when it needs water. If the leaves are soft, even wrinkled, and easily bendable your plant is ready for a good soak. If the leaves are firm, your Hoya is well watered. Water requirements will be significantly less during the winter months due to shorter days and less light. Hoya will generally begin to bloom after they reach maturity (2-5 years) and when grown pot tight. Fertilize with Schultz All Purpose Fertilizer during active growth to encourage blooms. Keep an eye out for common pests such as mealy bugs and spider mites. Check for pests weekly when watering. Keep a bottle of Bonide’s Insecticidal Soap on hand for easy treatment.

Hoya cumingiana is available in the greenhouse in 6" pots. If you have additional questions feel free to reach out to us by phone, Instagram, or email us - hello@tonkadale.com.

Happy Planting!