Syngonium Red Arrow(Post)
March 7, 2023 Syngonium Red Arrow Hey Plant Friends! This week we are talking about Syngonium ‘Red Arrow’, commonly know ...
Syngonium Pink Perfection(Post)Weekly Plant Chat: Syngonium Pink Perfection Hey Plant Friends! This week we are talking about Syngonium ‘Pink Perfection’, more commonly known as Arrowhead plant. This pla ...
Syngonium(Post)November 13th, 2020 Syngonium Hey plant friends! Let’s talk Syngonium podophyllum (Sin-GO-nee-um Po-do-FI-lum). Also known as ...
Best Starter Plants for a Collection(Post)Houseplants… who can have just one (or even just two, or three)? Plants create a cozy, calming, nature-filled environment that provides mental, physical, and emotional benefits. Curating your very ...
office plants (Post)Whether your office is currently at your location of employment or you’ve relocated to your home, growing plants in your office can provide a bevy of benefits.Enjoy the perks of growing plants in ...
Alocasia brancifolia(Post)Weekly Plant Chat: Alocasia brancifolia Hey Plant Friends! This week we are talking about Alocasia brancifolia. This plant is known for its philodendron-like appearance and its heavily ...
Using Indoor Plants in Outdoor Containers(Post)Yep! We made it. It’s finally warm enough to get out and garden with greenhouse grown annuals and tropical plants. Just so you know, you have our permission to use indoor plants outdoors as a focal ...
How to Create Your Own Aroid Soil Mix(Post)Soil is beautiful. Soil is alive. The ecosystem of your soil is important to the health and success of your plants. In nature, the relationship between soil and plants creates and sustains whole comm ...
Soil Recipes(Post)Tonkadale’s Custom Indoor Plant Soil Recipes The foundation of any healthy plant starts with one thing – the soil. A proper potting mix ensures that your plant has everything it n ...
Houseplant Trends for 2022(Post)Houseplant Trends for you (because we’re feeling) 2022 Bigger is better Beep, Beep, Beep. Back it up and make way for massive specimen plants. Think Fiddle Leaf Figs, but bigger ...
meet our staff(Page)our mission to enrich lives by creating plant inspired experiences as we connect everyone to beautiful spaces. our vision to forever be your greenhouse home our values ...