Aglaonema ‘Papaya'(Post)
Aglaonema ‘Papaya’ This week we are talking about Aglaonema ‘Papaya’, more commonly known ...
Aglaonema(Post)June 22nd, 2021 Aglaonema Hey plant friends! This week we are talking about Aglaonema commonly known as the Chinese Evergreen. These ...
underrated indoor plants & why we love them(Post)Some of our FavsPhilodendron cordatum LemonIt’s easy to love this plant with it’s heart-shaped leaves and simple care. Grow Philodendron cordatum Lemon in low to medium indirect light and water ...
Easiest Houseplants to Grow(Post)Growing plants indoors is highly rewarding. But, as any plant parent knows, some are easier to grow than others. Whether you’re a new or experienced plant parent, it’s always worth knowing which p ...
Shower Plants (Post)Make your bathroom feel like a spa by adding indoor plants. Don’t just stop at putting plants in your bathroom, though. Grow plants in your shower, too, for a luxurious spa experience right at hom ...
Homalomena Camouflage(Post)Weekly Plant Chat: Homalomena Camouflage Hey Plant Friends! This week we are talking about Homalomena wallisii ‘Camouflage’. This plant is known for its beautiful green vari ...
Top Plants to Gift + Pots(Post)We love this time of year! The holidays are just around the corner, pretty snow is on the way, and all the festive colors and decorations bring us joy! ‘Tis the season for all things merry, and wh ...
The Florida Chronicles(Post)The Florida Chronicles January 16th, 2023 Dear Diary, Today, ...
How to Create Your Own Aroid Soil Mix(Post)Soil is beautiful. Soil is alive. The ecosystem of your soil is important to the health and success of your plants. In nature, the relationship between soil and plants creates and sustains whole comm ...
Houseplant Trends for 2022(Post)Houseplant Trends for you (because we’re feeling) 2022 Bigger is better Beep, Beep, Beep. Back it up and make way for massive specimen plants. Think Fiddle Leaf Figs, but bigger ...
Plant Care A-Z(Page)care guides for houseplants Find all our specialized care guides for each type of houseplant below, and download to print for your own reference. a b c d e f g h i j l m n o p r s t v w ...
indoor plant of the week(Page)indoor plant of the week agave x leopoldii This week we are talking about Agave x leopoldii, a hybrid species belongs to the Asparagaceae family. This tough as n ...
5" Aglaonema Siam
$16.99 -
6" Aglaonema Green Papaya
$29.99 -
6" Aglaonema Sparkling Sarah
$29.99 -
6" Aglaonema Golden Madonna
$29.99 -
5" Aglaonema Golden Madonna
$16.99 -
4" Aglaonema Night Sparkle
$19.99 -