Bishop's Cap Cactus (Astrophytum Myriostigma)

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Cactus need bright for optimal growth and plant health and prefer full, direct sun. Place in sunny, south facing window for best results. If moving cactus from inside to out in the summer months, be sure to harden them off by introducing to a sunny area a little at a time.


Sharply or well-draining potting soil is a must! Cactus must be able to take up water but also drain and dry quickly.


Water cactus thoroughly when soil is completely dry. Cactus may only need to be watered once per month.


Use a cactus specific fertilizer during active growth - spring through summer. Stop fertilizing during inactive growth - fall and winter.

tips and troubleshooting

Cactus can actually handle fairly cool temperatures and can be left outside longer into fall than most people think.

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