What's the Scoop on Soils & Amendements

What's the Scoop on Soils & Amendements

Posted by Jessie Jacobson on Jun 16th 2024

What's the Scoop on Soils and Amendments?

What is soil?

The foundation of any healthy plant starts with one thing – the soil. Soil contains everything plants need including micro and macro nutrients, aeration (oxygen), and water retention. When soil becomes depleted (which isn't always a bad thing), we can add amendments to further build and balance the soil. Most potting and planting mixes contain a carefully balanced proportion of soilless media such as peat moss, bark, sand, or perlite, organic nutrients such as humus and worm castings, and beneficial fungi called mycorrhizae (those special root colonizing fungi that increase water and nutrient retention). So not technically soil per se which comes directly out of the earth and will vary greatly depending on its location.

What are soil amendments?

A soil amendment is any material added to soil to improve its physical, biological, or chemical properties (thank you AI). Amendements are also used as fertilizers in some cases - a specific mix of nutrients and organic matter added to boost or amend the soil in an organic, slow realease kind of way to increase plant fertility and growth. Amendments can also be used to adjust the pH of the soil as is the case for aluminum sulfate and garden lime.

What are my soil options?

Tonka Terra Organic Potting Soil

Tonka Terra is our very own, house blend of potting soil mixed to our specifications and contains organic compost, sphagnum peat moss, perlite, and fine composted bark. Tonka Terra provides the best medium for plants in an outdoor container. It works best in raised beds and can complement a veggie garden or perennial bed should you have small areas that need to be filled. This mix is also suitable for many indoor plants, but for those that require a lighter mix, perlite and peat moss are good amendments to add.

Coco Loco Potting Soil

Fox Farms Coco Loco Potting Soil is a potting soil blended with coconut coir instead of peat moss. Coconut coir provides the same function in a more sustainable way. It resists compaction, soaks up water while making it available to plants when they need it. Aged forest products are the compost component and fertility is provided by earthworm castings, bat guano, oyster shells, and dolomitic lime. This mix is a bit lighter than Tonka Terra and can be used outdoors in containers or raised beds.

Garden Soil/Planting Mix

Espoma Organic All Purpose Garden Soil is the ultimate planting mix to use for all in ground plantings including vegetables, flowers, trees, and shrubs. Garden Soil contains a rich blend of compost, sphagnum peat moss, humus, and limestone and is enhanced with earthworm castings, feather meal, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, yucca extract and our proprietary blend of mycorrhizae, our favorite fungus.

Use Garden Soil to fill-in garden beds or when planting new perennials, trees, and shrubs. When planting, we always recommend digging a hole twice the diameter of the pot and adding back 1/2 native soil and 1/2 planting mix.

What are my amendment options?

Purple Cow Activated Compost

Purple Cow’s Activated Compost (not really cow manure, but actually a vegetable-based compost) is our go-to product for use when planting perennials, trees, and shrubs. Use ahead of the season to add organic matter, structure, and fertility to your garden beds. Easy math - 1 cu. ft. bag covers 10 sq. ft. You can also use Purple Cow to maintain existing lawns, when reseeding, or overseeding.

The Tones

We love Espoma's line-up of soil amendments, lovingly refered to as the "tones". Each to use, easy to apply.

Bio-Tone Starter

Bio-tone Starter Plus is the ultimate starter plant food! It’s a rich blend of natural & organic ingredients and enhanced with beneficial microbes, humates, and mycorrhizae. Enhanced with beneficial microbes and mycorrhizae. Helps plants establish quickly without the risk of transplant shock. Safe for people and pets.

For use on everything you plant. We especially recommend for use when planting new trees and shrubs in the landscape along with Purple Cow's Activated Compost.

How to apply:

  • Planting Beds - mix into the top 4-6″ of soil prior to planting.
  • Trees & Shrubs - mix into the soil used to backfill the planting hole.
  • Potting Mixes - mix thoroughly into the soil mix prior to planting.


Evergreen Tone is great for all evergreen trees and shrubs which are often forgotten in the gardener’s fertilizing routine. For evergreen shrubs, apply 1 cup per foot of drip line and double the quantity if the drip line diameter is 3 feet or larger. Sprinkle the recommended amount around the drip line and water thoroughly. If the area is mulched, temporarily remove the mulch or feed at double the rate. For evergreen trees, apply 1 lb. per inch of trunk diameter, triple the quantity for trees with a diameter 3 inches or larger. Dig 3” wide holes around the drip line that are 12-18” deep and 2-3’ apart. Divide Evergreen Tone evenly between holes, backfill with soil and water thoroughly.


Use Flower Tone specifically for blooming perennials and annuals to encourage maximum color during bloom time for perennials, and all season color for annuals. For established flower beds, broadcast up to 1/2 cup around each plant. for flower beds, broadcast at the rate of 4 lbs. per 80 square feet. For container gardens, when planting containers, mix 2 cups per cubic foot of potting soil, typically one bag. To supplement established container gardens, add 1 TBL for every 8 inches of pot diameter. Water thoroughly.

Garden Lime

Garden Lime is pelletized, dolomite limestone which is used to adjust soil pH in an upward direction. Its fine pellets spread easily, react quickly, and do not pose the hazards associated with hydrated lime. Use when less acidic soil/more alkaline is desired. In general, soils in our area are already quite alkaline, so adjusting pH higher is only used is specific situations. Endless Summer type Hydrangeas for example express blue flowers in acidic soil and pink flowers in alkaline soils. Certain vegetables such as asparagus, garlic, beans, beats, and those is the brassica family like alkaline soils as well. When adjusting pH, its not a bad idea to get a soil test done first to determine the rate of garden lime needed to achieve the end result.


Garden Tone (3-4-4) is an all-purpose, organic, slow-release fertilizer suitable for all vegetables and herbs. Mix into the soil at planting and then continue to apply monthly throughout the growing season. Herbs don’t feed as heavily and will only require feeding at the time of planting and after a large harvest. For vegetable plants in the garden, apply 1/3 cup per plant. For garden rows, apply 1 1/3 cup per side to a 5 ft. row or 10 lbs. each side to a 100 ft. row. For veggies in containers, sprinkle 1.5 TBL per 12” pot. For herbs in the garden, use 1 TBL per plant and in containers, use ¾ TBL per plant.


Holly-tone is the original plant food for all acid-loving plants and the ideal fertilizer for acid loving plants such as hydrangeas, blueberries, pachysandra, dogwood, and many more!


Your go-to for fertilizing perennials, trees, and shrubs is Plant Tone (5-3-3). Apply to established perennials once in the spring and once in the fall. Use 1 lb. (one bag) per 100 square feet of garden or a generous handful for each plant. For shrubs, use 1 cup per foot of drip line, double the rate if the diameter is greater than 3 feet. For trees, use 3 lbs. per inch of trunk diameter, double for trees over 6 inches in diameter. Mix into the top 4” of soil before a soaking rain or water in.


Rose-tone is the best fertilizer for (you guessed it), roses, cut can also be used for clematis, bouganvilleas, and viburnum! This amendment produces deep green foliage, and bigger, longer lasting blooms. Apply monthly, May - August

Soil Acidifier

Soil Acidifier contains elemental sulfur & gypsum to help lower soil pH and is long lasting and much safer than other acidifiers like aluminum sulfate. The most common application in our area is on Endless Summer type Hydrangea. Acid soil produces blue blooms! Use to lower the soil pH for other acid loving plants such as blueberries, lupine, evergreens, dogwood, and many more.


For big, juicy tomatoes. Espoma’s Organic Tomato Tone (3-4-6) is designed to feed tomato plants and promote flower and fruit production without causing rapid green growth. Additionally, it provides much needed calcium to promote healthy fruit development. Apply two weeks after tomato plants are established and then twice per month during the growing season. For rows use 1 cup per side to a 5 foot of row. For single plants, use 3 TBL per plant. For tomatoes in containers, use 1.5 TBL per 12” pot.

Plants perform their best when you start from the bottom - the soil!