Podcast Episode 4: Pest Management Strategies for Indoor Plants
Posted by Jessie Jacobson on Feb 21st 2023
Podcast Episode 4: Pest Management Strategies for Indoor Plants
Feb 21, 2023 | 46 min
In This Episode
This week on the podcast, we talk with John, the Integrated Pest Manager (IPM) at Tonkadale Greenhouse.
In this episode, we define IPM and how we can use this strategy to combat and overcome pests of indoor plants. The pests we cover include aphids, fungus gnats, white flies, thrips, scale, and mealy bugs. At the end of this episode, you will be well equipped with knowledge of insect life cycles, typical feeding behavior, pest damage, and specific inputs to knock down and eliminate populations.
Topics Covered:
- Integrated Pest Management strategies for indoor plants
- Strategies to reduce and eliminate indoor plant populations
- Products to reduce and eliminate indoor plant populations
About Our Guest: John
John started at Tonkadale in the Spring of 2015 as a seasonal greenhouse associate and worked in that role for three years. Since then, he has become the IPM manager for Tonkadale. I scout for pests and apply the beneficial insects we use to control pests, and apply chemical controls only when necessary. I also assist with irrigation and plant nutrition. When I'm not at Tonkadale I'm usually writing or reading further about IPM science. I have an inveterate interest in agrochemistry.
Favorite Plant: The Raven ZZ. It has striking dark foliage, but it also has the resilience and low maintenance of a ZZ.