Podcast Episode 10: Talking Native Plants with Minnesota Native Landscapes

Posted by Jessie Jacobson on Mar 3rd 2023

Podcast Episode 10: Talking Native Plants with Minnesota Native Landscapes

April 27, 2023 | 29 min

In This Episode

This week on the Podcast, Jessie talks with Colleen and Bre from Minnesota Native Landscapes, a full-service ecological restoration company providing services ranging from backyard seeding to large-scale restoration, bioengineering and everything in between.

The discussion starts by overviewing the benefits of using native plants in the landscape, and that's just the begining.

MNL offers a wealth of knowledge and resources on their website.

Spring Maintenance for your Native Planting

Why Choose Native Plants



Topics Covered:
  • A definition of native plants
  • Reasons to plant native plants
  • The benefits of native plants
  • Considerations when choosing native plants
  • A brief discussion about rain gardens, site selection, and plant selection

About Our Guest: Colleen

Colleen Quiram has been with MNL for just over a year and is our Products Account Manager. With her background in greenhouse management, she brings a unique perspective to native gardening and incorporating natives with traditional landscaping. Her favorite native flower is Wild Ginger, a woodland native that blooms in early spring and is easily overlooked!

About Our Guest: Bre

Bre Bauerly has been with MNL for nearly 14 years, and currently fills the role of Ecological Products Consultant. With a background in native plant ecology of the Upper Midwest, with an emphasis in Wetlands, Bre focuses on helping set customers up with the right seed and plants for their unique projects. Her favorite flower is New England Aster, a plant native to MN great for shorelines and rain gardens!