These Are a Few of Our Favorite Things...

These Are a Few of Our Favorite Things...

Posted by Megan Nichols on Dec 18th 2020

At Tonkadale we get to come to our happy place every day and work with all the beautiful plants and fun items that we love to share with you. We know this place inside and out, and although we love everything, we do play favorites, sometimes. Here are a few of our favorite plants and other items to give to those we love for the holidays. If you need some ideas, we’ve got some for you!


Val is our Customer Service Representative Manger. She has worked in Customer Service in the Green Industry for many years and she has a definite passion for plants and people.

Favorite Plants…

“One of my favorite plants to give as a gift is peperomia. I love it because it is a low maintenance, pet friendly plant that’s happy almost anywhere you place it in your home. With over 1000 varieties to choose from, you are sure to find one that suits your pleasure. They have a succulent type texture to their leaves, so you can let them dry out between watering. They prefer bright, indirect light, but will tolerate medium or even low light areas. Add a great pot and you have the perfect gift.”

Favorite Gifts…

“This year I plan on putting together an outdoor gardener’s dream gift combining several packets of Seed Savers vegetable and herb seeds, a prunertrowel, and pair of gardening gloves all in one of Tonkadale’s reusable jute totes that reminds us it’s “for the love of plants.” Oh, and you can also grow a bowl of lettuce in a bright, sunny window all winter long. What’s better than fresh, organic, healthy greens grown right in your home?!”


As the Greenhouse Manger, Hayden knows houseplants better than most. Though he is capable of keeping anything alive, he likes to give easy care plants as gifts to make sure everyone finds success with houseplants.

Favorite Plants…

"Sansevierias make fantastic giftable plants. They come in many different sizes and price points. They are also one of the easiest plants to maintain. Pothos also make a great gift as they are easy to care for and easy to match pot styling and indoor décor. Marble Queen and Golden Pothos are stylish choices that are beginner friendly."

Favorite Gifts…

"White pots make for a fun and exciting gift to give. You can never have too many 4” or 6” decorative containers, and white pots make the foliage really pop. Another easy gift is Shultz Liquid Fertilizer. It’s the fertilizer I use on my houseplants. The dropper is easy to use and allows you to modulate your rate based on the type of plant you are feeding."


Hannah is arguably the most passionate plant parent we know, and we’re lucky we get to work with her every day! She leads the CSR team with gusto, keeps Hayden on his toes while helping him source the rarest and most sought after plants around, and writes our newest blog feature highlighting a specific houseplant each week.

Favorite Plants…

“Some of my favorite plants to give would be low maintenance plants like a ZZ plant or snake plant. I also like to give color like a Stromanthe - higher care but worth it!Also, any type of philodendron because they are my favorite gems of a plant.

Favorite Gifts…

“POTS! We have an amazing selection of beautiful pots – some handmade and some vintage! Otherwise, I like to give a unique item I can find in our home goods area.”


Maylen has been at Tonkadale for 2 years. You’ve probably seen her at the registers or in the greenhouse. But that’s not all she does! She shares “A fun fact about me is that I am also a full-time student at the U of M getting my Masters in Public Health!”

Favorite Plants…

Maylen also recommends Sansevierias! “One of my absolute favorite plants to gift is snake plants. They are a low-fuss plant that come in stunning varieties. What’s not to love? Another favorite is the ZZ plant. This is sure to please anyone on your shopping list, from a brand-new plant owner to the most avid plant parent. Finally, I love to give philodendrons. They are a stylish and classic option to brighten up your space!”

Favorite Gifts…

I love to gift my friend and family seeds. I am an avid Seed Savers Exchange fan. They are based out of Decorah, IA, and are the 2nd largest seed bank in the world! Buying seeds not only provides your loved ones with delicious produce, but you are also supporting a local business and improving the biodiversity of our planet! A real triple-threat! I also love gifting from our collection of found items. These items are unique, fun, and provide a little piece of nostalgia for your home.”

From your Tonkadale friends, happy gifting!