Mother's Day
Posted by Jessie Jacobson on May 10th 2019
Mother’s Day weekend marks the official opener of the gardening season. Word is, there are other openers happening this weekend, but those people can talk about that in their own blogs.
On Mother’s Day, we celebrate mothers, mothers-to-be, mothers who have lost, and the mothers who are lost or have gone before us. We Race for the Cure, we brunch, and in my world we garden. Mothers are the ones who gave us life, a powerful transaction in unconditional love. The natural world, or dare I say it because now we are bordering on goddess territory, Mother Earth sustains this life.
I am a Hamilton: An American Musical fanatic and my favorite lyric shows up in the last song, “The World Was Wide Enough”. During this number, the stage is rotating as it does through most of the show. This is a representation of time, like a clock or the rotation of the earth. Hamilton’s time is up, he has just been shot in a duel (spoiler alert) and he says, “Legacy. What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.”
Let’s pull this all together. Resources – some are limited, some are not. Time. There is never enough. The virtues of the natural world – clean water, clean air and food. Scarce for many. Love. No limit, no destination. Legacy. Yours lasts forever.
Happy Mother’s Day!