2025 Garden Calendar
Posted by Jessie Jacobson on Jan 3rd 2025
January Garden Calendar
Welcome to 2025!
Our quest this year is to educate and entertain you while providing the best plant inspired experiences EVER! Each month, look forward to the release of our beautifully illustrated garden calendar - your guide to what to do when in the garden (both inside and out)!
This month's theme "Reset and Refresh". Read on!
Evaluate your plant collection
Add a grow light
Houseplants absorb light and emit joy into every space they enter. Lush greenery and striking variegation bring together a cozy, inviting space. To ensure your plants receive the light they require, consider adding a grow light during the short winter days ahead.
Learn all about light HERE.
Check out our grow light options HERE.
Pull back on water and fertilizer
Plant growth slows, stalls, and even stops as light levels and temperatures decrease. Reduce the frequency of water and the amount of fertilizer in your plant care routine until active, robust growth resumes. For example, watering every week might become every 10 days - 2 weeks and fertilize at half strength until spring begins.
Clean plant leaves
Take time this month to dust and shine your plant's leaves. Dust on leaves obstructs the absorption of sunlight, reducing the plant's ability to produce food through photosynthesis plus it just looks dirty!
Check out We the Wild Leaf Cleaning Gloves HERE.
Taking time to clean plant leaves is also the time to inspect for pests. Sometimes cleaning the leaves can stop a pest infestation in its tracks and when paired with light mist of We the Wild's Protect Spray, bad bugs will go away. We like this all-natural formula because it smells great, shines leaves, and fights insects.
Check out We the Wild's Protect Spray HERE.
Add a top layer of new soil or worm castings
January is a great time to add a little zest to your potting mix. Soil can get stale and vapid as plants use nutrients and the organic material breaks down.
Simply add a layer of fresh potting soil to top things off or consider mixing in a scoop of worm castings to gently add nutrients to the soil. Another option is Soil Salvation, the latest addition to the Sol Soils line of plant care product. We love this product as it is designed to add life to old, tired soil and also improve the performance of new soil. Soil Salvation uses worm castings and biochar to improve the effectiveness of beneficial microbes and fertilizers, keeping your plants happy for the long term!
Set plant and garden goals
What do you want to add to your collection?
Now that the existing plants in your collection are feeling great, it's time to think about what you might want to add to your collection. Right now, we have over 7,000 individual plants available for you to choose from. We know, we just did inventory. And there's so much more to come. Fresh plant deliveries arrive weekly!
Preview and shop our indoor plant collection HERE.
What are you doing well, what do you want to learn more about?
Gardening is a verb, you do it over time. It's never perfect, it's never done. Take time this month to think about what you're doing well, what you'd like to learn, and where you need support.
At Tonkadale, we're obsessed with your success and are always here to help! Take a look at our LEARN page or read about the Education Resources Available at Tonkadale on the BLOG.
Plan your garden
Browse seed catalogs
Seed starting is just around the corner. It's never too soon to start imagining your dream garden. Flipping through the actual pages of seed catalogs is such a delight on a cold winter day. Paired with a pal, its a cheap date too!
Learn all about Seed Starting on the BLOG.
Browse and shop seed starting supplies HERE.
Evaluate your garden for winter interest, what can you add?
Take a look out the window, a walk through the neighborhood. Notice.
Notice the exfoliating bark of the river birch, the bright berries of viburnum, and the seed pods of sedum.
Where can you add winter interest to your yard and garden?
Create your veggie garden layout
Planning and planting a veggie garden is certainly a labor of love that pays in produce. Get out your graph paper and colored pencils and make a day of it.
Learn all about planning and planting a vegetable garden on the BLOG.
Always approachable and happy to help!