4" Fern Hand
$12.99 -
4" Hoya Obovata
$16.99 -
5" Calathea Vittata
$29.99 -
8" Hoya Carnosa
$39.99 -
6" Golden Barrell Cactus
$24.99 -
5" Fern Heart
$12.99 -
4" Silver Torch Cactus
$9.99 -
4" Old Man of the Andes
$14.99 -
4" Aeonium Black Rose
$9.99 -
4" Vriesea Ospinae
$16.99 -
4" Vriesea Fenestralis
$16.99 -
4" Vriesea Splendens
$16.99 -
4" Echeveria Curly Red
$9.99 -
7" Olive Tree
$49.99 -
4" Fern Rabbits Foot
$9.99 -
3" Fittonia Pink
$4.99 -
4" Rebutia Muscula