Top 7 Plants for Dorm Rooms, Apartments, and Classrooms
Posted by Megan Nichols on Sep 7th 2019
It’s time for all things back-to-school! The change in seasons brings cooler weather and a greater focus on our indoor spaces as we find ourselves inside more and more. Though we still have time to enjoy all the greenery the outdoors has to offer, it’s the perfect time to cultivate our indoor gardens. There are many options for indoor plants, but this list has been curated to include those that are low maintenance and easy care, perfect for any type of room, including a room where you might not know the amount of available light yet.
Onto the Plants!

This easy- care plant is slow growing, but it’s interesting leaf and stem structure are worth the wait. Low to medium light, low watering (only give it a drink once the soil dries).

Known to be one of the easiest and most structurally interesting indoor plants, Sansevieria actually grows in desert conditions in bright sun naturally, but tolerates low to medium light well. Low watering needs make this a great plant for busy (or forgetful) people, or those who travel often.
Spider plant

These fun plants make perfect hanging baskets, and given the right conditions will produce more little “spiders” and even tiny, precious flowers. Medium light, medium watering, and feeding every couple weeks will do the trick.
Pothos and Pilodendron

Both Pothos and Pilodendron prefer medium light and, though they don’t want to be soggy, they prefer not to dry out completely. Water when top inch of soil is dry, usually about once a week, but check more often during active growth in the spring and summer. Good news is, if you do miss a watering they are quite forgiving and will perk back up. There are trailers in both Pothos and Philodendron, and they can be trellised but will need some help because they won’t cling to surfaces on their own. Philodendron also come in upright varieties that make excellent foliage plants.

Big, variegated leaves in white, green, and pink make this low-light plant a fun addition to any room. Medium watering is required, don’t let the plant dry out completely.
Pepperomia and Pilea

So many to choose from, these are a great place to start your plant collection and great for the collector who likes to have one of each kind. Medium light, medium water needs, and average feeding (every couple weeks) and you’ll have happy little plants.

Medium light, low watering, and light feeding are all that are needed to keep Hoya happy. Another great plant for a hanging basket, cascading over a shelf, or training along the wall, there are many types of Hoya and all are easy care.
General tips for success
- Be careful not to love your plant to death, meaning overwatering is generally the number one cause of death. Always be sure to let at least the top inch of soil dry between watering.
- Help your houseplants by planting them in a well-drained potting mix. Espoma Potting Soil in an excellent choice. For larger plants, mix with TonkaTerra.
- Keep plants no more than 3 feet from a window, if possible. Even low-light plants need to be close to the light to perform their best. Some plants will burn in direct sun.
- Fertilize every couple weeks during active grown (spring and summer) and once a month during dormancy (fall and winter).
But where to put them?
Top plants need top pots (the best for the best!) of course, and there are many great containers to choose from. Keep in mind, allowing plants to drain and dry after watering is essential to plant health. This means it’s imperative their containers have a drain hole. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to leave the plant in the grower pot and drop it into a decorative pot. Then, whenever its time to water, just remove the grower pot from the decorative pot and water your plant in the sink, allowing it to drain completely before putting it back. If there is a hole in the decorative pot, be sure to have a saucer or plate underneath to catch any drips. A decorative pot must have drainage if a plant is potted directly into it, and there should be a plate or saucer underneath to catch excess water. If this isn’t possible, be very careful not to overdo it when watering, and just go ahead and tip your pot and plant sideways if you need to drain excess water (hang onto the plant, though!).
Additionally, terra cotta pots are particularly good at helping plants dry between watering. The material is naturally more porous and accelerates water evaporation. Keep this in mind when checking for moisture, as plants in terra cotta will dry more quickly than those in glazed containers.
Time to Plant!
Plants increase well-being by cleaning the air, improving focus, and decreasing stress. Add a plant friend to any space you spend your time.